Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now we're rolling...

2 or 3 sprouts in each pot now (for tomatoes, anyways). I'm not really sure when to cut the "weak performers" in the pots so that only one is growing.

Looking good though, so far. This weekend I'll be driving around like crazy to get a LOT more stuff done before Monday. I need to get:

weed blocker
tomato cages
lattice netting
garlic or germaniums or rosemary
2 more super-large bags of vermiculite
mosquito netting
3 more bags of compost
2 bags of peat moss
some large sticks (small branches?) to use as poles for the pole beans.

Not to mention the stock show this weekend...more on that later :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Make your bean poles TALL. They'll climb just fine on twine, too, if you have something at the top and bottom to tie it off to. Just make sure there's no slack. I'm anxious to see how things come along! My tomatoes and peppers haven't sprouted yet, but I got a much later start. Hopefully I'll have something any day now.
