Sunday, July 18, 2010

Getting ready!

I picked up a landscape edger today, and ordered the landscape fabric.  I have finally done it; I've created the perfect garden!  Haha, well maybe not.  But it is a pretty good design, if I say so myself, and at least it fits my yard/slope/location well.  Below is the layout of my garden.  It didn't scan well because pencil & paper isn't the clearest thing in the world.  Oh well.

Click to Enlarge
From Blog Photos

Some things I have written on the bottom of the picture:

245 Corn plants
110 Bean plants
5 Blackberry plants
5 Raspberry plants
45 Potato plants
22 Pepper plants
16 Tomato plants
7x5 Strawberry bed (not sure on # of plants)

Also scattered throughout the garden I will have lots of Onions, Borage, Carrots, Marigolds, Nasturtiums, and anything else I can think of that will keep pests away.  If you haven't looked into Borage, do it!  That stuff is amazing!

Not much new on the chickens.  I did talk to a realtor who kind of gave me half of what I was looking for.  She did write that a maintained coop would not cause the resale value of a nearby house to drop.  That's good info.


  1. Nice plans! You are by far one of the most organized people I know!!! haha :)

    When are you planning to go to the HOA?

  2. He is definitely very organized! He has reworked those plans so many times but he is very dedicated and I am very proud of him.

    -Katie ;)
