Monday, August 9, 2010

Set at 150 and bake for 7 months


Well, somewhat.  More like the most disgusting version of lasagna ever.  A layer of newspaper/cardboard, a layer of cow manure and rabbit manure, followed by a layer of hay.  In 6 or 7 months, I'll till it into the ground, as it will have (hopefully) composted into rich, nutrient-filled soil.  I still hope to get a few (3? 4?) chickens in the early spring to go through the garden one last time, devouring pests and pulling up weeds.  Speaking of devouring, I'll also order 1000 Lacewing eggs and 1500 ladybugs from somewhere (like  That should take care of some of the pests.

Here's how the lasagna gardening went:

1) Spend hours gathering a lot of crap

2) Lay newspaper on ground.  Pile crap on top.  Pile hay on top of that.

3) Finished lasagna garden!

Also, I did it again.  I changed the plot layout.  I know, it's sad :(  I'm too much of a perfectionist.  But, to be fair, I only did so to incorporate more companion plants and to move the corn far away from the tomatoes, which is bad pest-wise.  More on that later, though.  The prep for 2011 is coming along nicely.  Just need to track down a lot of manure.  All that above (about 1 truck load) covered slightly less than 1/4 of the garden.  Lots to go.  


  1. Ha! There is nothing wrong with being a perfectionist!

    I didnt realize you could get lacewing and lady bugs from amazon. Have you looked up They seem to be competitive.

  2. Look on Craigslist for manure - usually people who have it will also load your truck for you (bonus)!
