Monday, January 10, 2011

Quiet on the homefront

The snow came trickling down on Sunday...first a flake here and there, then, what felt like a blizzard.  Although we were projected to get several inches, my area did not receive more than a dusting.  Some areas, about 40 miles away, did get 3-4 inches, and lots of kids were making snowmen yesterday :-).

Because of the inconsistently cold weather, I haven't done a whole lot outside; though, there's not a lot to do anyways.  Everything has turned that light brown color that winter brings, and though I love winter, I sure do hate that color.  After numerous revisions to the garden layout, I think I've finally picked all the locations & seed varieties I want to order (I'm not liking the price, though, heh).  I'll have to upload a diagram in a couple days.  I should be able to take advantage of our short cold-half of Spring, when the greens are growing, by removing them and planting Cantaloupe.  They wouldn't live into May anyways.

I also checked out the Farmer's Almanac for 2011, and saw the same prediction as 2010's summer - "Sweltering hot and very wet."  I don't know...last year was hot, but not sweltering.  And while it was rainy, it was only for about 3 weeks, followed by months of drought.  Oh well, at least it predicted a low number of tornadoes.

Well that is all for now.  Stay warm by the fire!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing your varieties. Dont forget to save your seeds. :)
    All the Best,
