Friday, March 5, 2010


I wish I had uploaded photos, but I'm really too tired to do so.

Tilling is a BLAST and a half. I borrowed a 26" wide tiller, cranked it up, and when I hit that throttle...dirt everywhere! However, I've always been told, "never buy a tiller, and never buy a chainsaw" (tongue in cheeck, of course) because they break often. After 5 minutes of turning clay into, well, smaller chunks of clay, I was ready to buy one. I took the tiller over to another bed, cranked it up again, and the pull-rope snapped. How ironic.

So, I spent the next 2 hours fixing it. Then it was dark, so I took it back to its owner. Oh well, the experience was fun, and maybe, just maybe, one of these days I will have enough land to buy a tiller.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you there. No more than what one would use a tiller I understand completely about not buying one. Put it off as long as possible. This year will be the third year in a row that we have borrowed... I do think that we will end up buying one eventually though.

    They actually make an inexpensive tiller head that goes on the end of a weed eater. We have one but for the size garden we have it is much too small. It is very handing for our raised beds and for forming mounds though.
