Monday, April 19, 2010

Trellises up!

With help from my wife, I set up the trellises this evening.  What a task!  If you'd like to build your own, here's how I did it:

(this is for 2 trellises)
Buy 5 pieces of 1/2" electrical conduit.  This comes in 10 ft. lengths.

Next, buy 4 of these suckers.  You'll find it in the same aisle as the electrical conduit at Home Depot or Lowe's.  It's a 90 degree connector.

Cut the 10 ft. lengths of conduit into four 7-foot lengths and two 5-foot lengths.  The 7-footers will become the legs, and the 5-footers will be the top bar.  Attach the right-angle connectors to make a large sideways "U."

Oh yea, you should know - this is all based on the "netting" you can buy (which for me was very hard to find).  The typical size available is 8' by 5'.  If all you can buy is an 8' x 4', then obviously make it a foot narrower.

To stake it in the ground, I looked at several different approaches, and none really looked good.  What I ended up doing (and I'll study how this turns out this year) is buying four 1/2" x 4-foot lengths of rebar, and shoving these down into the ground.  Then, I slipped the trellis over these bars.  I'll probably take a couple extra preventative measures such as tying it down, but who knows...we'll see how it goes.

In 2 or 3 weeks, we should also be butchering our meat chickens.  That will be interesting, to say the least :-p .  Expect pictures, because, well if I have to do/learn it, you're going to learn it as well :-D

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I cant wait to hear of your butchering experience... it isnt fun but is very enlightening.
