Head to the garden

Here's what the 2011 garden should look like.  Click the image to open up a larger view of it.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

A brief synopsis of the garden:

Each square in the Excel Sheet stands for 1 square foot.  So, though one box may have "lettuce" it's actually ~4 lettuce plants.  As opposed to 1 box which contains "tomato," because there is only 1 tomato plant per square foot.

The top left of the garden has a short row of some greens and vegetables - 6 squares of lettuce, 4 of Onions, 5 of Carrots, and 2 of Beets (new this year).  After the lettuce is pulled in mid/late April, I'll replace that area with Charantais Melons.

Below those vegetables, we have the pepper area.  In 2 rows, we've got 9 squares of Bell Pepper plants, 5 of "Joe's Long" Cayenne Pepper plants, and 4 Jalapeno plants.

Below the peppers, we have the Beans section.  This contains two rows (an area 2 x 16 feet) of: 4 black beans, 4 red kidney beans, 8 Crowder peas, and 16 Green beans.

Below the beans, we have 2 large corn sections.  This will contain the "Delectable" variety of corn, and there are 96 squares of space for them.

Below the corn, we have 6 bush cucumber plants, next to some more vegetables - 4 Lettuce, 2 Broccoli, and 4 Onions.

Now, to the right of all this, we have a large area for potatoes - 20 Red Noreland potatoes and 59 squares of Golden Yukon potatoes.

Above the potatoes we have the strawberry patch, containing 45 squares of plants - half is the "Jewel" variety, and the other half will be an early-season variety.

And last, above the strawberries, we have the tomatoes - 5 squares of "Roma," and 5 squares of "Brandywine"

 Now, this is technically the spring garden, and it will slightly change when fall comes.  I'll probably plant more melons/squash in the fall, but we'll see.