Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Getting warmer...

It's supposed to be 102 this weekend...and June is just getting started. 

Not much of interest on the garden.  I pulled some onions, and they were tiny.  If I had to guess, I'd say I planted them too deep.  But honestly I'm not sure why they're small.  The rest of the stuff is doing it's thing.  I have like 5 or 6 tomatoes now!  What a shock, since I thought they were all dead, lol.

Oh! Potatoes!

I'll remind you, I planted 6 seed potatoes in the really nice SFG soil.  I also planted 6 seed potatoes in the awful, clay filled, never taken care of flower garden by the back door.  Well wouldn't you know it, the potatoes that came from the terrible garden were just as good, if not better, than the ones in the SFG!  Also, some (more) bad news about the potatoes in the Square Foot Garden.  Remember how they all turned yellow and died?  Apparently that is not normal.  At first I was thinking it was potato blight.  I was told though, that it was way too early to be blight.  What is it?  I have no idea, still.  It might be blight.  If it is, though, the blight did not infect the potatoes, but rather stunted their growth.  That's why they were somewhat small.

Anyways, I'll be watching more carefully in a couple months when I plant for the fall.  Speaking of which, I have a LOT of work to do, with getting the beds ready, putting up new fencing, and ordering seeds. 

Oh yea, I do have one more idea I've been throwing around in the old noggin.  I'm tempted, really tempted, to get 1 or 2 chickens (even though they're blatantly outlawed :-P ), to use as "pest control" in the spring, before any planting is done.  Basically, I would put them in the garden, turn them loose, and let them eat bugs till their heart's content.  Then, what to do with them?  I have no idea.


  1. Become an outlaw!!! Go for it! Worst case scenerio they will make you get rid of them... o' and what a horrible punishment chicken dinner would be!? ;)

  2. Haha, I really want to. Maybe I can convince them they are actually pest removing machines...they just make funny noises? Lol.

  3. They are far less annoying than a barking dog... you could use that to plead your case! ;)

  4. If you only want them to "debug" your garden once or twice a year, I can loan you a couple for a week or two at a time.
