Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What to think

I hear people say sometimes, "I just don't know what to think.". That statement came to me with an unfortunate event last night.  The Rabbit with No Name was apparently killed by one of our dogs sometime in the last couple days.  I went outside to find Sparky the dog trapped in the rabbit's pen, and I saw the hutch door open.  Walking over I saw the rabbit dead under the hutch. 
It was partially my fault; I left the door unlocked (but closed) when I went to go get a new lock, and forgot to re-lock it.  I take the blame on the rabbit getting out.  

But you know, when I found the rabbit and the dog, I was not as distraught as I would have been, say, 10 years ago.  The rabbits was a livestock animal and did his job of providing manure well.  Can't blame the dog, really, as he is a dog and that's what dogs do.  It's unfortunate that the rabbit is gone, but I have a different outlook on it now.  Of course, this could all be because I am obviously older now, but I think part of it has to do with all the reading of these farming books.  The death of an animal, while sad, is part of life on the farm.

Katie ended up going to the store and buying me You Can Farm by Joel Salatin after I probably annoyed her with my raving about how great it was, last night.  Lol, she's the best.  I love this book.  

So, onto some less farmy news.  As I mentioned in my last post, I'm at a technology conference in downtown Dallas.  Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Dallas?  We just don't get along.  Dallas is not my style; Ft. Worth is more fitting.  But anyways, I've noticed there's a lot of "green" movement among major corporations.  While this is good, I see a lot of it as fake marketing dribble.  

 Alright, well, the Rangers are on and it is pouring outside.  Time to sit on the couch in a fort of pillows and have a good evening.  

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