Monday, May 24, 2010


Days in the ground 
Plant  # Days
Lettuce  112
Potatoes  85
Carrots  85
Onions  85
Peas  71
Nasturtiums  71
Tomatoes  54
Bell Peppers  54
Rosemary  54
Green Beans  54
Cucumbers  54
Corn  50
Beans  50
Strawberries  50
Squash  50
Charantais Melon 15

Well, like I said in my last post about the garden, I used a fertilizer on Friday, May 14th.  It has made such a difference, and it gives me hope that the vegetables will do alright after all.  The beans - wow.  They developed their "runners" a few days ago and they are off to the races.  They're climbing approximately 4-5" a day.  I'm sure I could sit there and watch them grow.
I've also been doing a little planning for next year.  I guess it's never to early (actually, it probably is :-D).  The fence is in pretty bad shape, but is holding its own for now.  I'll be putting up T-posts and 2' chicken wire all the way around.  I hope to expand the SFG beds, to somewhere between 4 and 6 beds (the problem there is, I need to come up with stuff to put in those beds).  But I'll also be putting in a few long&narrow beds.  These will be used for blackberries and grapes.  Yum!

In addition, I was reading an issue of some magazine, I forget which one, and it had a picture of one man's SFGs.  He had cleverly laid down soaker hoses all throughout each of his beds, and hooked it up to a PVC pipe on the corner of the bed.  He then ran all these PVC pipes to one central location, and connected this to a garden hose.   So he was able to water 4 beds simultaneously, and since he used soaker hoses, he helped prevent against fungal diseases on the leaves.  Very cool!

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