Thursday, December 3, 2009

Work to be done

As winter has hit us like a frying pan over the head (it snowed here yesterday, even before my friend in Pittsburgh???), I realize just how many projects need to be done.

1) Though the garden is staked off, my land is on a slight hill, and I need to level the food plot to so I don't have irrigation problems. It's 6' x 27' which is 162 sq. feet. That should be a nice big crop of food.

2) The rabbit NEEDS to be moved outside. The smell in the garage is overwhelming. True, that's partially because we didn't get to clean out the cage after our vacation, but still... The problem is that, as I've said before, animals (besides dogs) are not allowed in our deed restricted subdivision, and 3 houses can see directly into my back yard. Hiding a rabbit hutch will be quite a task. I am going to go get some camouflage burlap :)

3) The compost bin was doing great, up until a couple of weeks ago, when I added leaves. Maybe I through off a ratio or something. It is not hot anymore, and the leaves look virtually the same as when I put them in there :-\

4) Firewood - you can never have enough.

That's all for to get some work done!

1 comment:

  1. We are also restricted. I read over our restrictions a million times, One day I saw a loop hole. It said that the restrictions where up to the land holders to enforce. (maybe yours is like that too)
    If it were me, I would set out the hutch and see what happens. Doudt if any one will take you to court over a rabbit. :)
