Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Kidney Stones

Thankfully I do not have them, but my wife does. So, needless to say, I have spent the last 72 hours or so doing a lot of work keeping the wifey happy, and in as little pain as possible.

On the garden front, we got a LOT of rain yesterday. The weather channel says we got 0.3", but I know for a fact that we got at least 3/4". Also, the sun came out really late in the afternoon yesterday, after all the rain, which ended up making for a beautiful dusk. When I went to check the garden (because there were reports of hail), not only were all the lettuce leaves standing strong, but we've got a few onion sprouts now as well!

According to the Farmer's Almanac, we all (in North Texas, anyways) need to build some type of protection for our gardens in April. We're supposed to have lots of thunderstorms, tornadoes, strong winds, and hail. Last year our fence was ripped down, so at the least I'm hoping we don't have to go through that again.

1 comment:

  1. O wow, that stinks. I hope your wife feels better soon.
    An idea about protecting your raised beds... We often have to protect our seedling from our dogs running through them. (once our plants are big enough the dogs dont run through them- which isnt a problem you are dealing with but same among the "protection" concept). We lay sheets of lattice across the top of the raised beds. You can ancore the lattice to the ground with twine and large nail. We have also stapled sheets of plastic to the lattice in times of frost or prediction of large hail. Hope that helps. :)
