Thursday, June 3, 2010


1 of which I made up...

"Expanding 10% takes 100% more work."

For this reason, I'm in trouble!  haha...Actually the planning is going well.  I am working on ordering some plants that are extremely hard to find.  I'll update that when I have an answer, though.

The other quote, an old proverb, is: "A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."  I need to focus on this.  I'm a perfectionist, so doing things where they do not reach optimal working conditions really hacks me off.  I'm also extremely frugal.  This is what makes me a good engineer, and (probably) an annoying person, lol.  For example, I figured out how to save approximately 8 feet of PVC pipe, by routing it in a different manner/direction.  It probably would have cost me like $2.00 extra for 8' of PVC.  I don't care, I like saving money :-D

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, You sound like my husband... but I on the other hand am the "well its good enough for who it for" kind of person! lol
    Good post. Made me chuckle
