Sunday, February 21, 2010

Counting down now...

It's February 21st, and the "last frost" is typically around March 15th. I can't believe it's less than a month away.

This evening I cut the seed potatoes, and put them in a box to "harden off." The cut (open flesh) side of the seed potato needs to form a protective casing (hardening), so disease will not easily attack the potato.

In addition, I now have 11 lettuce plants that have sprouted, out of 12 planted. I thought for sure they were all dead, and was getting ready to plant some more, when I noticed them yesterday. Not only is that a dang good percentage (I hope the 12th one comes in soon...), but it reinforces my trust in the SFG, or Square Foot Garden, technique. Bravo, Mr. Bartholomew.

So, with the lettuce sprouts, I now become like a parent to a helpless child. With cold temperatures in the forecast, along with more snow (yes, believe it or not), I've created some mini-greenhouses to keep them warm. At least, that's the plan.

After thinking about it for a while, (and I know I should really keep it simple...) I'm going to plant "The Three Sisters" in Bed #3. I figure, I already have corn there, I might as well channel my Native American ancestors and see how it works out. So, I'll plant beans (which I already have) and squash. I am not a fan of squash, but my mom will like it.

On an unrelated note (I really tried to's just not possible), I went fishing today for the first time since last year. I can't wait to get the boat running and get back out on the lake. Warm weather and relaxing on the water - you just can't beat that.

1 comment:

  1. I need to update you on the chicks. Is there a way I can email you directly? Send me email to Thanks!
